Functionalization of cellulose with lignin to produce high-value products

Autor: Paananen, Arja, Szilvay, Geza, Setälä, Harri, Hult, Eva-Lena
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Paananen, A, Szilvay, G, Setälä, H & Hult, E-L May. 15 2017, Selluloosan funktionalisointi ligniinillä korkea-arvoisten tuotteiden valmistamiseksi;Funktionalisering av cellulosa med lignin för producering av produkter med högt mervärde, Patent No. FI20155871 .
ISSN: 2018-0306
Popis: The present invention concerns a process for the covalent attachment of lignin to cellulose in aqueous solutions, which process is characterized by preparing an aqueous mixture of lignin particles modified with tall oil fatty acids (TOFA), and reacting these TOFA-modified lignin particles with cellulose particles. The obtained modified cellulose particles are biodegradable, and have antimicrobial properties, whereby they are suitable for use in antibacterial textile surfaces (sportswear, medical textiles), tissue adhesives and as porous carriers in drug delivery. Further, the material is useful in high-volume products, such as adhesives and dispersants.Patent family as of 10.12.2021CA2997666 AA 20180306 CA20162997666 20161125 EP3380527 A1 20181003 EP20160868084 20161125 EP3380527 A4 20190731 EP20160868084 20161125 FI126754 B 20170515 FI20150005871 20151125 FI20155871 A 20170515 FI20150005871 20151125 JP2019502767 T2 20190131 JP20180518613T 20161125 KR102087724 B1 20200312 KR20187009913 20161125 KR20180051591 A 20180516 KR20187009913 20161125 US2018327514 AA 20181115 US20160777238 20161125 WO17089657 A1 20170601 WO2016FI50831 20161125Link to currentpatent family on right
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