Tritium transport experiments on the JET tokamak

Autor: Zastrow, K-D KZ, Adams, J JMA, Baranov, Yu YB, Belo, P PB, Bertalot, L LB, Brzozowski, J JHB, Challis, C CDC, Conroy, S SC, Baar, M MdB, Vries, P PdV, Dumortier, P PD, Ferreira, J JF, Garzotti, L LG, Hender, T TCH, Joffrin, E EJ, Kiptily, V VK, Mailloux, J JM, McDonald, D DCM, Neu, R RN, O'Mullane, M MO, Nave, M MFF F, Ongena, J JO, Popovichev, S SP, Stamp, M MS, Stober, J JS, Stork, D DS, Voitsekhovitch, I IV, Valovič, M MV, Weisen, H HW, Whiteford, A ADW, Zabolotsky, A AZ, Contributors, JET JEC
Zdroj: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion; December 2004, Vol. 46 Issue: Supplement 12 p255-265, 11p
Abstrakt: An overview is given of the experimental method, the analysis technique and the results for trace tritium experiments conducted on the JET tokamak in 2003. Observations associated with events such as sawtooth collapses, neo-classical tearing modes and edge localized modes are described. Tritium transport is seen to approach neo-classical levels in the plasma core at high density and low q95, and in the transport barrier region of internal transport barrier (ITB) discharges. Tritium transport remains well above neo-classical levels in all other cases. The correlation of the measured tritium diffusion coefficient and convection velocity for normalized minor radii r/a = [0.65, 0.80] with the controllable parameters q95 and plasma density are found to be consistent for all operational regimes (ELMy H-mode discharges with or without ion cyclotron frequency resonance heating, hybrid scenario and ITB discharges). Scaling with local physics parameters is best described by gyro-Bohm scaling with an additional inverse beta dependence.
Databáze: Supplemental Index