A comparative study of health workers motivation in government, private and charitable hospitals

Autor: Seth, Manisha, Saxena, Anupam, Sethi, Deepa
Zdroj: International Journal of Business and Globalisation; 2024, Vol. 38 Issue: 4 p558-571, 14p
Abstrakt: Healthcare professionals, especially nursing staff, are the backbone of any healthcare ecosystem as the connecting link between patients and doctors. Motivation levels of nursing staff can impact patient well-being. There are several studies regarding motivation of nurses; however, few studies were found relating to causes of low motivation in the context of the Northern State of Uttar Pradesh in India. Therefore, the present study was conducted to ascertain the causes of low motivation among health workers in three different hospitals in Uttar Pradesh: private, charitable, and government. The study found that there are two categories of reasons for low motivation: organisational and financial. It also found some common causes and few specific causes of low motivation in each type of hospital. The study suggests that each hospital should maintain transparency and must incorporate proper work scheduling, workload management, and also organise camps for training, de-stressing and emotional management.
Databáze: Supplemental Index