Mittel- und Jungpleistozän im Quakenbrücker Becken (westliches Niedersachsen)

Autor: Stojakowits, Philipp, Röhm, Herbert
Zdroj: Jahresberichte und Mitteilungen des Oberrheinischen Geologischen Vereins; July 2024, Vol. 106 Issue: 1 p315-337, 23p
Abstrakt: Three pollen profiles recovered from the Quakenbrück basin are presented. The Kampe drillcore encompasses a long pollen succession covering the Saalian Late Glacial and the Eemian forest development with pioneer forests followed by thermophilous deciduous mixed forests which were replaced by boreal conifer forests. Pollen-bearing sediments directly overlying the Eemian belong to the Early Weichselian with the first stadial and the subsequent Brørup-Interstadial. Pollen analysis of the drillcore Nortrup PB21 showed that Early Weichselian sediments assigned to its two stadials and two interstadials overlie late Eemian deposits. The drillcore Nortrup PB20 revealed under a fragmentary Eemian in super position other pollen-bearing sediments. According to the pollen content, open pine forests with Picea abies and single occurrences of Betula, Picea omorika, and Larix dominated the landscape. Accordingly, it is probably an outgoing interglacial or an interstadial of cool character.
Databáze: Supplemental Index