Concept and Feasibility Analysis of the Alba Cubesat Mission

Autor: Mozzato, M., Bemporad, G., Enzo, S., Filippini, F., Lazzaro, R., Minato, M., Visentin, D., Via, A. Dalla, Farina, A., Pilone, E., Basana, F., Olivieri, L., Colombatti, G., Francesconi, A.
Zdroj: Aerotecnica Missili & Spazio: Journal of Aerospace Science, Technologies & Systems; 20240101, Issue: Preprints p1-13, 13p
Abstrakt: AlbaSat is a 2-Unit CubeSat which is being developed by a student team at the University of Padova. The Alba project aims to design, build, test, launch, and operate the first student CubeSat of the University of Padova, featuring four different payloads. The first goal is to collect data regarding the debris environment in Low Earth Orbit, the second goal is the study of the satellite vibrations, the third one is about CubeSat attitude determination through laser ranging technology, and the fourth goal concerns satellite laser and quantum communication. The Alba CubeSat mission has been selected by the European Space Agency to join the Fly Your Satellite! Design Booster program in December 2022. This paper presents the feasibility study of the Alba CubeSat mission reproduced in the framework of the “Space Systems Laboratory” class of Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Padova. In the beginning, a mission requirements definition was conducted. After that, the mission feasibility was considered, with preliminary requirements verification to assess the ability of the spacecraft to survive the space environment, including compliance with Debris Mitigation Guidelines, ground station visibility and minimum operative lifetime evaluation. The Alba mission sets a base for a better understanding of the space environment and its interaction with nanosatellites, and an improvement of the accuracy of debris models. Furthermore, this paper, describing the educational experience and the results achieved, will provide a useful example for future students’ studies on CubeSat mission design.
Databáze: Supplemental Index