Analysis of a pilot study of factors that motivate individuals to elect the health sciences as acareer. with special reference to pharmacy**Part of a cooperative survey conducted at the University of California by Dr. William W. Stiles (School of Public Health), Dr. John B. Lagen (School of Medicine), Dr. Robertson Pratt (School of Pharmacy), Dr. Wendell L. Wylie (College of Dentistry), and Miss Bernice Hudson (School of Nursing). The study was financed in part by research funds of the University of California and from the American College of Dentists. A portion of the survey has been published (Wylie, W. L.: Factors motivating choice of a profession. I. Dent. Ed., 19, 159-172, 1955; and Stiles, W. W., and Watson, L,. C.: Motivations of persons electing public health as a career. Am. J. Pub. Health, 45, 1563-1568, 1955.)

Autor: Pratt, Robertson
Zdroj: American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education; April 1956, Vol. 20 Issue: 2 p175,190.e1-190,190.e2, 17292p
Databáze: Supplemental Index