Stirring Process Optimization of a Vibrating Intrinsic Reverberation Chamber Using Scattering Parameter Measurements

Autor: Rammal, Youssef, Andrieu, Guillaume, Ticaud, Nicolas, Roger, Nicolas, Laisne, Alexandre, Pouliguen, Philippe
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility; February 2024, Vol. 66 Issue: 1 p13-20, 8p
Abstrakt: Considering the time-varying movement of the canvas constituting a vibrating intrinsic reverberation chamber (VIRC), the optimization of the stirring process of such facility is not trivial. Indeed, this task requires reliable and accurate metrics able to state if a given modification of the stirring process will increase or decrease the VIRC performance. This article presents a fast and accurate relative method based on the K-factor metric. For each stirring configuration to be assessed, the scattering parameter measurements that are required typically last less than a minute. Used in a recently installed VIRC, the method has led us to optimize each implemented stirring process (fans installed outside the VIRC and two motors pushing the canvas) and to greatly increase the VIRC performance when all these processes are combined together.
Databáze: Supplemental Index