Improve Harris Hawkes optimizer algorithm via Laplace crossover

Autor: Nasab, Seyed Taha Mousavi, Abualigah, Laith
Zdroj: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing; 20240101, Issue: Preprints p1-16, 16p
Abstrakt: Nowadays, the speed of solving optimization problems by increasing various issues and the number of variables is critical. The Harris Hawk optimization method is a brand-new, intelligent system that resolves optimization issues by mathematically simulating the natural behavior of hawks. In this study, the Harris Hawks optimization method and the Laplace crossover operator are merged, and a new enhanced Harris Hawks algorithm (LX-HHO) based on the Laplace optimization algorithm is suggested. The purpose of improving this algorithm is to increase the convergence speed while maintaining good accuracy in achieving the optimal solution. The results of the proposed method on the test functions demonstrate that the algorithm has achieved faster convergence than the original version of the Harris Hawks algorithm and other meta-heuristic algorithms. This is due to the algorithm's accuracy in obtaining the best answer in these functions and to a reduction in the evaluation of the optimization function. Also, comparing and evaluating the proposed algorithm with other algorithms by Friedman and MAE test shows the superiority of the LX-HHO algorithm.
Databáze: Supplemental Index