Modelling of spent fuel dissolution process for assessment of criticality safety margin

Autor: Bera, Subrata, Rao, R.S., Utkarsh, S.C.
Zdroj: Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings; December 2023, Vol. 341 Issue: 1 p75-80, 6p
Abstrakt: Criticality safety margin assessment is a challenging task for a large dissolution tank under uncertain process conditions. The Monte-Carlo based neutron transport code (MCkeff) was used to model geometry, material and process conditions of dissolution tank containing fissile material. This manuscript presents a sampling-based probabilistic technique for estimating single-sided tolerance limit on criticality safety parameter due to random variation of process parameters. Based on their effect on fissile mass, fissile concentration, neutron moderation and neutron reflection, potential uncertain parameters impacting the criticality safety margin were identified. By withdrawing random samples from uncertain domain of process parameter, a simulation test matrix was formed to study the variability of the neutron multiplication factor. The Wilk's formula, which corresponds to the 95thpercentile and 95% confidence level, was used to estimate required sample size to minimise statistical error (i.e., Type-I error associated to the rejection of the genuine sample and Type-II error connected to the acceptance of the false sample). In order to cut down the computation costs associated with requirement of large computer runs, a meta-model for the criticality safety problem was also constructed using a linear regression model. Additionally, associated model uncertainty was quantified. The variation in neutron multiplication factor caused by changes in process variables like pellet diameter, linear pellet mass, temperature, etc. was also investigated as an input parameter uncertainty. It is found that model uncertainty plays significant role while assessing the criticality safety margin using meta-model.
Databáze: Supplemental Index