Integrated disease management of Fusarium wilt (Fusariumoxysporumf. sp. ciceris) of chickpea

Autor: Venkataramanamma, K., Bhaskara Reddy, B. V., jayalakshmi, R. Sarada, Jayalakshmi, V., Prasad, K. V.Hari
Zdroj: Indian Phytopathology; June 2023, Vol. 76 Issue: 2 p497-509, 13p
Abstrakt: Fusarium wilt of chickpea, caused by Fusarium oxysporumf. sp. ciceris(Foc) is one of the major and economically important disease. Integrated disease approach the best way for management of the disease by using fungicides and bio agents. For this study, four potential Trichoderma asperellumisolates (Tr-1, Tr-6, Tr-10 and Tr-20), two potential fluorescent Pseudomonads i.e., Pseudomonas fluorescens(CRP-6 and CRP-8) and fungicides were selected. Six fungicides evaluated against pathogen and effective fungicides were studied for compatibility with bio agents. Among the selected bio agents T. asperellum(Tr-6) and P. fluorescensisolate (CRP-8) were found compatible with Vitavax power at 0.1% under in vitro conditions, formulated as talc formulations and evaluated in different treatments under field conditions. Pooled analysis results of two years indicated that among the 12 treatments imposed for Fusarium wilt, the treatment T6(seed treatment with Vitavax power @ 1 g/kg and talc formulation of T. asperellumand P. fluorescens@ 8 g/kg of seed and soil application of T. asperellumand P. fluorescensmultiplied on FYM) has recorded more germination percentage of 91.09, lower wilt incidence of 22.86% with higher yield of 1501 kg/ha and B:C ratio of 2.35:1 apart from resistant check (T11) WR-315. It is followed by the treatments T9(seed treatment with Vitavax power @ 1.0 g/kg of and talc formulation of T.asperellum@ 8 g/kg of seed and soil application of T.asperellummultiplied on FYM and drenching with T. asperellumtalc), T10(seed treatment with Vitavax power @ 1.0 g/kg of and talc formulation of P. fluorescens@ 8 g/kg of seed and soil application of P. fluorescensmultiplied on FYM and drenching with P.fluorescenstalc) and T4(seed treatment with Vitavax power @ 1.0 g kg-1 and talc formulation of T. asperellum@ 8 g kg-1 of seed and application of mass multiplied T. asperellumon FYM) recorded low wilt incidence of 25.90%, 25.32% and 26.22% respectively and non significant with each other in wilt incidence and yield. Untreated plot (T12) recorded high wilt incidence of 65.37% and less yield of 543 kg/ha. It was concluded that the treatments T6and T4are considered as best treatments (though there are other good treatments available) for management of Fusarium wilt of chickpea as they recorded higher B:C ratio, low wilt incidence and higher yields.
Databáze: Supplemental Index