Loss of P2Y1receptor desensitization does not impact hemostasis or thrombosis despite increased platelet reactivity in vitro

Autor: Paul, David S., Blatt, Tasha N., Schug, Wyatt J., Clark, Emily G., Kawano, Tomohiro, Mackman, Nigel, Murcia, Sebastian, Poe, Kathryn O., Mwiza, Jean Marie N., Harden, T. Kendall, Bergmeier, Wolfgang, Nicholas, Robert A.
Zdroj: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis; 20230101, Issue: Preprints
Abstrakt: Hemostatic plug formation at sites of vascular injury is strongly dependent on rapid platelet activation and integrin-mediated adhesion and aggregation. However, to prevent thrombotic complications, platelet aggregate formation must be a self-limiting process. The second wave mediator ADP activates platelets via Gq-coupled P2Y1and Gi-coupled P2Y12receptors. Following ADP exposure, the P2Y1receptor undergoes rapid phosphorylation-induced desensitization, a negative feedback mechanism thought to be critical for limiting thrombus growth.
Databáze: Supplemental Index