Current state of clinical trials and regulatory approvals with FAP targeting interventions

Autor: Mosessian, Sherly, Jensen, Jessica D, Enke, Aaron S.
Zdroj: PET Clinics; 20230101, Issue: Preprints
Abstrakt: In this chapter we review the current state of FAP targeted interventions based on available data from Thirty-seven records were reviewed and demonstrated interventions with imaging studies comprising the largest portion of the active studies in progress, followed by therapeutic studies using non-radioligand and radioligand therapy. This field is gaining significant momentum. However, studies are still in early stages of clinical development with new products expected to enter the clinical trial pipeline in the coming year. We expect over the next three years, completion of Phase 2 studies will shed important light on the clinical utility of these interventions and shape future clinical development efforts.
Databáze: Supplemental Index