急性電撃性紫斑病を合併し,急激な致死的経過をたどった日本紅斑熱の1例(A rare case of Japanese spotted fever complicated by acute purpura fulminans with rapid fatal course)

Autor: (Sho Jinnin), 神人 将, (Hiroshi Fukuma), 福間 博, (Shingo Adachi), 安達 晋吾, (Shota Nakao), 中尾 彰太, (Tetsuya Matsuoka), 松岡 哲也
Zdroj: Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine; August 2022, Vol. 33 Issue: 8 p416-420, 5p
Abstrakt: 症例は既往のない62歳の男性。登山の8日後から悪寒戦慄,発熱,倦怠感を自覚した後に前医を受診し,敗血症性ショックの診断で当院へ転院搬送となった。身体所見ではダニ咬傷を疑わせる左下腿の痂皮に加えて,両下肢の紫斑および体幹部の紅斑がみられ,血液検査では血小板減少・CRPおよび肝酵素の上昇を認めた。病歴と理学所見から日本紅斑熱を想定し,minocycline,levofloxacin,meropenemでの加療を開始した。来院直後から急激に紫斑が全身に進展するとともに,播種性血管内凝固症候群を認めたため,急性感染性電撃性紫斑病と診断した。入院20時間後に,来院時に採取した創部および血液の検体で行ったPCR検査で日本紅斑熱の診断が確定した。人工呼吸器・持続腎代替療法などの集中治療を行ったが,入院翌日に多臓器不全で死亡した。日本紅斑熱は,一般的には適切な抗菌薬治療が奏功する比較的予後の良い疾患として知られている。急性感染性電撃性紫斑病を呈する日本紅斑熱の報告は極めて稀であり,来院後早期の治療介入にも関わらず急激に致死的な経過をたどる症例を経験した。日本紅斑熱は発症後早期に治療介入しなければならない疾患であり,日本紅斑熱の危険性について広く周知し,病歴や理学所見から早期に疑うことが重要である。 We report a rare case of Japanese spotted fever (JSF), which is known as a disease with relatively good prognosis that responds to appropriate antimicrobial therapy. This case is presented as acute infectious purpura fulminans and rapidly fatal course despite early therapeutic intervention after admission. The 62–year–old man was previously healthy. After 8 days of mountain climbing, he began to have chills, shivering, fever, and malaise and was transferred to our hospital diagnosed with septic shock. Physical examination revealed crusting on the left lower leg suggestive of a tick bite, purpura on both lower limbs, and erythema on the trunk. Blood tests showed thrombocytopenia and elevated C–reactive protein and liver enzymes. Then, we assumed that the patient had JSF and started treatment with minocycline, levofloxacin, and meropenem. Twenty hours after admission, the diagnosis of JSF was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction testing of the wound and blood. The patient received intensive care, but purpura spread to the whole body and coagulopathy progressed. The patient died due to multiple organ failure the day after admission. It is important to publicize the risk of JSF and diagnose the disease early based on history and physical examination.
Databáze: Supplemental Index