Chemical Treatment, Demineralization, or Evaporation for Make-Up in High-Pressure By-Product Steam Plants

Autor: Yoder, J. D., Webb, W. L., Baumeister, T.
Zdroj: Journal of Fluids Engineering; July 1950, Vol. 72 Issue: 5 p491-497, 7p
Abstrakt: The increased power production obtained by exhausting high-pressure turbines directly to process rather than to coils of evaporators, which in turn produce process steam, is demonstrated. Typical heat balances are presented for systems employing evaporated make-up to the closed cycle and for 100 per cent make-up cycles using water treatments consisting of (a) silica removal and sodium-zeolite softening, and (b) demineralization and silica absorption. Performance data and costs are given for both evaporated make-up and 100 per cent treated make-up 1400-psi cycles at the Deepwater Operating Company’s station.
Databáze: Supplemental Index