Acral involvement in lichen scrofulosorum: A diagnostic oddity with distinctive features on dermoscopy

Autor: Vishwanath, Tejas, Mithari, Hershada S, Mahajan, Sunanda, Chikhalkar, Siddhi, Gole, Prachi, Kharkar, Vidya, Golwad, Pooja, Balaji, Harish
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Tuberculosis; 20220101, Issue: Preprints
Abstrakt: A commonly underdiagnosed harbinger of visceral tuberculosis, lichen scrofulosorum classically manifests as centripetally located erythematous to violaceous cutaneous papules. Perifollicular and perieccrine tuberculoid granulomas constitute the histologic hallmark. We report a case of lichen scrofulosorum with involvement of the acral areas which is unusual. Also, dermoscopy, which has not yet been widely utilized in this condition gave a novel insights into histopathology in this case.
Databáze: Supplemental Index