H2020-SPACE-ORIONAS miniaturized optical transceivers and amplifiers for high-speed optical inter-satellite links

Autor: Hemmati, Hamid, Robinson, Bryan S., Stampoulidis, L., Osman, A., Sourikopoulos, I., Welch, M., Edmunds, J., Kehayas, S., Winzer, G., Zimmermann, L., Dorward, W., Serrano Rodrigo, A., Chiesa, M., Rotta, Davide, Maho, A., Faugeron, M., Sotom, M., Caccavale, F., Duport, F., Sancho, A., Mesquita, D.
Zdroj: Proceedings of SPIE; March 2022, Vol. 11993 Issue: 1 p119930E-119930E-8, 1079379p
Databáze: Supplemental Index