Abuse-Deterrent Formulations in Constraining the Abuse Potential of PrescriptionMedicines: A Myth or Truth

Autor: Phaugat, Parmita, Nishal, Suchitra, Dhiman, Rakhi
Zdroj: Current Drug Delivery; 2022, Vol. 19 Issue: 4 p466-478, 13p
Abstrakt: Background: Diverse pain killers used for the management of varied categories of painare being misused in order to have extreme pleasant effects by a large number of populations. Toovercome the misuse of prescription drugs, regulatory bodies have given stress on the developmentof abuse resistance. Methods: We studied numerous literatures: (1) Research and review papers including the guidelinesfor pain management, abuse, and abuse deterrence; (2) Description and categorization of painalong with the management approaches; (3) Advantages and disadvantages of the abuse-deterrentformulations. Results: Abuse-deterrent formulations are the contemporary remedial treatment for pain with reducedprospects of being abused. But these comprise huge expense in contrast to the generic drugsas well as the non-deterrent branded equivalents. Conclusion: Many challenges are faced throughout the development of abuse-deterrent formulations.These formulations displayed a substantial drop in abuse incidences but it may lead to othermodes of abuse, which may prove more harmful for the users.
Databáze: Supplemental Index