Abstrakt: |
Ingashi lamproite dykes are the only known primary sources of diamond in the Irkutsk district (Russia) and the only non-kimberlitic one in the Siberian craton. The Ingashi lamproite field is situated in the Urik-Iya graben within the Prisayan uplift of the Siberian craton. The phlogopite-olivine lamproites contain olivine, talc, phlogopite, serpentine, chlorite, olivine, garnet, chromite, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene as well as Sr-F-apatite, monazite, zircon, armolcolite, priderite, potassium Mg-arfvedsonite, Mn-ilmenite, Nb-rutile and diamond. The only ultramafic lamprophyre dyke is composed mainly of serpentinized olivine and phlogopite in the talc-carbonate groundmass and is similar to Ingashi lamproites accessory assemblage with the same major element compositions. Trace element and Sr-Nd isotopic relationships of the Ingashi lamproites are similar to classic lamproites. Different dating methods have provided the ages of lamproites: 1481 Ma (Ar-Ar phlogopite), 1268 Ma (Rb-Sr whole rock) and 300 Ma (U-Pb zircon). Ingashi lamproite ages are controversial and require additional study. The calculated pressure of 3.5 GPamaxfor clinopyroxenes indicates that lamproite magma originated deeper than 100 km. A Cr-in-garnet barometer shows a 3.7–4.3 GPaminand derivation of Ingashi lamproites deeper than 120 km in depth. Based on the range of typical cratonic geotherms and the presence of diamonds, the Ingashi lamproite magma originated at a depth greater than 155 km. |