Lack of greater seroconversion of rhesus monkeys after subcutaneous inoculation of dengue type 2 live-virus vaccine combined with infection-enhancing antibodies

Autor: Kraiselburd, E N, Lavergne, J A, Woodall, J P, Kessler, M J, Meier, G, Chiriboga, J, Moore, C G, Sather, G E, Pomales, A, Maldonado, E, Rivera, R
Zdroj: Infection and Immunity; August 1981, Vol. 33 Issue: 2 p389-394, 6p
Abstrakt: Four groups of six nonimmune male rhesus monkeys were inoculated subcutaneously with formulations of dengue type 2 vaccine virus DEN-2/S-1. Group A received 1.9 x 10(4) plaque-forming units of vaccine in normal human serum albumin diluent. Group B received the same dose combined with a dengue type 2-immune human serum diluted 1:1,600, beyond its neutralization endpoint of 1:300, but having an immune enhancement titer of 250,000. Groups C and D received 10-fold dilutions of these respective formulations. No migration-inhibitory factor was found when peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes obtained on day 68 post-immunization from monkeys of all experimental groups were tested. No viremia was detected in any of the monkeys when sera taken on postvaccination days 1 through 12 were inoculated into adult Toxorhynchites amboinensis mosquitoes and LLC-MK2 cells. By day 89, four of the six monkeys had seroconverted by the neutralization test in each of groups A, B, and C, and three of five monkeys in group D (one monkey died from cardiac collapse after anesthesia) had seroconverted. Immune enhancement of dengue virus infection is known to occur in humans and monkeys circulating heterologous flavivirus antibodies. In this study, there was no enhancing effect when antibody was mixed with dengue type 2 vaccine virus and injected subcutaneously.
Databáze: Supplemental Index