Early Erythroid Development Is Enhanced with Hypoxia and Terminal Maturation with Normoxia in a 3D Ex VivoPhysiologic Eythropoiesis Model

Autor: Brito dos Santos, Susana, Allenby, Mark C., Mantalaris, Athanasios, Panoskaltsis, Nicki
Zdroj: Blood; January 2016, Vol. 128 Issue: 22 p2453-2453, 1p
Abstrakt: Reproduction of dynamic physiologic erythropoiesis in vitrorequires a three-dimensional (3D) architecture, erythroblast-macrophage interactions and cytokines such as erythropoietin (EPO). The role of oxygen concentration gradients in this process is unclear. We have created a 3D bone marrow (BM) biomimicry using collagen-coated polyurethane scaffolds (5mm3) to expand cord blood mononuclear cells (CBMNCs) in a cytokine-free environment for 28 days (D). Addition of EPO to this system induces mature erythropoiesis. We hypothesised that physiologic concentrations of cytokines - stem cell factor (SCF) / EPO - and a hypoxia (H)/normoxia (N) schedule to mimic BM oxygen gradients would enhance erythropoiesis. CBMNCs were seeded (4x106cells/scaffold) in 3D serum-free cultures supplemented with 10ng/mL SCF (D0-D28), and 100mU/mL EPO (D7-D28), with medium exchange every 3D. Three conditions were compared: N (20%), H (5%) and 2-step oxygenation HN (H D0-D7 and N thereafter). Erythroid maturation was monitored weekly by flow cytometry (CD45/CD71/CD235a) both in situ(i.e., in scaffolds) and in supernatant (S/N) cells. D0-7 H was more efficient in early induction of CD235a in the absence of exogenous EPO (H 13% vs N 8% CD45loCD71+CD235alocells, p<0.05). This maturation profile was also observed in D10 S/N cells, in which CD45loCD71+CD235a+cells were proportionately more in H (30%) and HN (27%) than in N (16%, p<0.05). By D14, N and HN stimulated the appearance of CD45-CD71+CD235a+cells, whereas H maintained the CD45loCD71+CD235a-/lophenotype. By D21, a CD45-CD71+CD235a+mature population was clearly distinguished in all conditions, most notably in N (16%) and HN (21%) vs H (9%). At D28, more mature CD45-CD71loCD235a+cells were observed in normoxia conditions, N 3% and HN 4%, vs H 0.3%. A renewed population of erythroid progenitors was also evident at this time (H 62%, N 51% and HN 46% CD45loCD71lo/+CD235a-cells).
Databáze: Supplemental Index