救急科専門医を目指す専攻医の職業満足度調査(Career satisfaction among emergency medicine residents in Japan)

Autor: (Takashi Shiga), 志賀 隆, (Toru Hifumi), 一二三 亨, (Yusuke Hagiwara), 萩原 佑亮, (Norio Otani), 大谷 典生, (Hiroshi Tanaka), 田中 裕, (Minoru Nakano), 中野 実, (Yasuhiro Kuroda), 黒田 泰弘
Zdroj: Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine; May 2021, Vol. 32 Issue: 5 p237-244, 8p
Abstrakt: 【目的】新専門医制度のなか,救急医の確保が課題となっている。過去に若手救急医の職業満足度の報告はあったが全国調査は限られている。本研究では,救急科専門医を目指す専攻医の職業満足度を調査し,各々に影響を与える因子を明らかにすることを目的とした。【対象】2018年度の専門医試験受験時に職業満足度について受験者にアンケートを実施した。その後,最尤法・プロマックス回転にて因子分析を行った。職業満足度を従属変数,得られた因子を独立変数とし多変量ロジスティック回帰分析を行った。【結果】回答は427名で回収率は98.2%であった。男性は332名(80.8%)であった。因子分析にて,満足度を規定する因子として,指導環境因子,労働環境因子,個人学習因子,ストレス因子が抽出された。高い職業満足度ありは137名(36.6%)であった。ロジスティック回帰分析にて高い職業満足度と有意に関連したのは,指導環境因子(Odds比2.18, 95%信頼区間:1.43–3.33),労働環境因子(Odds比1.78, 95%信頼区間:1.25–2.53),個人学習因子(Odds比1.55, 95%信頼区間:1.02–2.36)の3因子であった。Fisherの正確検定にて,職業満足度と他科転向の意思には有意な相関はなかった。【結語】高い職業満足度のために指導環境,労働環境,個人学習の整備が必要であることが示唆された。 Aims: With the introduction of the new national board certification system, sustainable education of emergency physicians has become an important topic. Prior surveys have addressed the job satisfaction of young emergency physicians. However, there have been limited nationwide surveys. The purpose of this study was to investigate the career satisfaction of senior emergency medicine resident physicians, and to identify factors affecting their career satisfaction. Methods: An anonymous multiple–choice questionnaire was administered to candidates at the national board examination in 2018 regarding their career satisfaction. Data were analyzed with factor analysis and multivariable analysis with a logistic regression model to identify factors affecting career satisfaction. Results: There were 427 respondents and the response rate was 98.2%. There were 332 male respondents (80.8%). Factors that correlated with career satisfaction were training system, working condition, personal learning, and stress–related. High job satisfaction was found in 137 (36.6%) of the respondents. Logistic regression analysis showed that the factors significantly associated with high job satisfaction were: training system (Odds ratio 2.18, 95% confidence interval: 1.43–3.33), working condition (Odds ratio 1.78, 95% confidence interval: 1.25–2.53), personal learning (Odds ratio 1.55, 95% confidence Interval: 1.02–2.36). There was no significant correlation between high career satisfaction and intention to switch to another specialty. Conclusions: High job satisfaction in senior emergency medicine residents requires the development of teaching environment, development of teaching environment, optimizing work environment, and encouraging personal learning.
Databáze: Supplemental Index