Influence of Sputtering Geometry on Crystallinity of Al(110) Thin Films on Offset (100)Si

Autor: Yokoyama, Shin, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Mitsumasa Koyanagi, Mitsumasa Koyanagi
Zdroj: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics; January 1993, Vol. 32 Issue: 2 pL283-L283, 1p
Abstrakt: The quality of Al(110) deposited by means of dc magnetron sputtering on misoriented (100) Si has been examined for various incident geometries between the Al beam and the vicinal Si surface. The ideal atomic step configuration of this substrate is similar to a stairway. Three directions of incidence (downstairs, upstairs and from the side of the stairway) were investigated. The X-ray diffraction measurements indicate that the crystallinity is improved for the upstairs grazing incidence. The results are explained in terms of the enhanced Al surface migration due to the grazing incidence and the dominant growth at the steps on the surface.
Databáze: Supplemental Index