Reversal of Zeeman Splitting in InGaAs/InP Quantum Wires in High Magnetic Field

Autor: Hammersberg, Johan, Notomi, Masaya, Weman, Helge, Potemski, Marek, Tamamura, Toshiaki, Okamoto, Minoru, Sugiura, Hideo
Zdroj: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics; March 1997, Vol. 36 Issue: 3 p1933-1933, 1p
Abstrakt: We report interband circularly polarized magneto-photoluminescence results for In0.53Ga0.47As quantum wires of various widths in magnetic fields up to 28 T. The experimental results reveal a highly wire width dependent Zeeman splitting compared to the quantum well reference and even a reversal of the Zeeman split transitions arising from the lowest conduction and valence states in the quantum wires. The total g-factor, g=ge+gv, is therefore highly wire width dependent.
Databáze: Supplemental Index