Cuneate nucleus: The somatosensory gateway to the brain

Autor: Versteeg, Christopher, Chowdhury, Raeed H, Miller, Lee E
Zdroj: Current Opinion in Physiology; 20210101, Issue: Preprints
Abstrakt: Much remains unknown about the transformation of proprioceptive afferent input from the periphery to the cortex. Until recently, the only recordings from neurons in the cuneate nucleus (CN) were from anesthetized animals. We are beginning to learn more about how the sense of proprioception is transformed as it propagates centrally. Recent recordings from microelectrode arrays chronically implanted in CN have revealed that CN neurons with muscle-like properties have a greater sensitivity to active reaching movements than to passive limb displacement, and we find that these neurons have receptive fields that resemble single muscles. In this review, we focus on the varied uses of proprioceptive input and the possible role of CN in processing this information.
Databáze: Supplemental Index