Identification of Candida glabrataTranscriptional Regulators That Govern Stress Resistance and Virulence

Autor: Filler, Elan E., Liu, Yaoping, Solis, Norma V., Wang, Ling, Diaz, Luis F., Edwards, John E., Filler, Scott G., Yeaman, Michael R.
Zdroj: Infection and Immunity; December 2020, Vol. 89 Issue: 3
Abstrakt: The mechanisms by which Candida glabrataresists host defense peptides and caspofungin are incompletely understood. To identify transcriptional regulators that enable C. glabratato withstand these classes of stressors, a library of 215 C. glabratatranscriptional regulatory deletion mutants was screened for susceptibility to both protamine and caspofungin.
Databáze: Supplemental Index