Molecular and Systematic Identification of Food Marine Shrimps Using mtCOI Marker from Southeast Coast of India

Autor: Karuppasamy, P. K., Logeshwaran, V., Priyadarshini, R. Sri Sakthi, Ramamoorthy, N.
Zdroj: Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences; 20240101, Issue: Preprints p1-9, 9p
Abstrakt: Chennai is one of the immense habitats of shrimps on the Indian coast and it offers heaps of commercial trading each year. Studies confessed that marine shrimp species have morphologically been delineated. Molecular identification is emerging as an essential vital supportive method for taxonomy-based species identification. In this study, we have provoked molecular data of taxonomically identified marine shrimp from the Chennai coast. All the sequences generated sequences showed 99–100% similarities with the referral database sequences (National Center for Biotechnology Information, GenBank). Sequence analysis of Cytochrome c Oxidase I gene conceivably directed that all the nine shrimp species parted into five distinct groups, which are genetically diverse from each other and exhibited identical phylogenetic reservation to their respective genus. Highest sequence divergence (0.332) have appeared between Heterocarpus gibbosusand Metapenaeopsis mogiensisand the lowest divergence (0.002) between Aristeus alcockiand A. virilis. Intraspecific variation ranged from 0.022 to 0.047 for A. alcockiand Solenocera crassicornis. Interspecific variation extended from 0.003 between M. stridulansand M. barbatato 0.332 between H. gibbosusto M. mogiensis. Thus, pervasive survey and more of molecular data of shrimps might actuate the ambiguous genetic variations and distances between and within the species.
Databáze: Supplemental Index