Evaluation of K9 Advantix™ vs. Frontline Plus® topical treatments to repel brown dog ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) on dogs

Autor: Young, D. R., Arther, R.G., Davis, W. L.
Zdroj: Parasitology Research; 20030701, Vol. 90 Issue: Supplement 3 pS116-S118, 3p
Abstrakt: The ability of pesticides to repel or kill ticks before they attach to a host and feed is important for the prevention of tick born pathogens. A study design was developed to evaluate the transfer and attachment of ticks from the environment to dogs. Eighteen preconditioned laboratory dogs were allocated in to 3 treatment groups (6 dogs/group): Group 1- K9 Advantix (8.8 % imidacloprid + 44.0 % permethrin), Group 2 –Frontline Plus (9.8 % fipronil + 8.8 % S-methoprene), Group 3- untreated control. Treatments were applied per label directions on test day 0. Individual heavy –gauge plastic pet transport carriers (68 x 76x 102 cm) with nylon carpet floors were used for tick challenges. Dogs were placed in the carriers containing 50 adult R. sanguineus for a 2-hour period. The dogs were then removed, and the number of live and dead ticks on the dog, and ticks remaining in the carrier were counted. Tick challenges and subsequent tick counts were conducted on test days 3, 7, 14, 21, 28,and 35. Tick efficacy was determined by comparing the geo. mean number of live ticks on the treated dogs with the number of live ticks on the control dogs. The number of live ticks on the control dogs ranged from a geo. mean of 12.0 to 29.5 ticks per dog during the study. Percent efficacy for the K9 Advantix group ranged from 84.0 to 98.5 % between test days 3 and 35. Percent efficacy for the Frontline Plus group ranged from –28.1 to 56.8% during the corresponding period.
Databáze: Supplemental Index