Abstrakt: |
The Latin American tropics environmentally and economically are primarily suited for cattle production—beef, milk, work and even sport. Grasses and forages form the principal agricultural production of these countries and cattle are by far the main users. Thus, cattle will be emphasized, for at this time commercial poultry and swine production largely reflect a reproduction of systems used in the United States and Europe and probably, while offering the best commercial employment opportunities to trained animal and poultry scientists, are highly specialized and high-priced commodities due to high grain costs. Few sheep are raised; although small flocks of the Afrikander hair sheep are ordinarily found in the hot zones where they furnish table meat. Goats are also used for milk and meat to a slight degree. Horses and mules are widely used for riding and packing on ranches and for draft purposes in the cities. One does not frequently see them used for cultivation in Colombia. |