Predicting Edible Portion of Beef Carcasses from Rib Separation Data

Autor: Busch, D. A., Dinkel, C. A., Schafer, D. E., Tuma, H. J., Breidenstein, B. C.
Zdroj: Journal of Animal Science; March 1968, Vol. 27 Issue: 2 p351-354, 4p
Abstrakt: Carcass data from 311 grade Hereford steers were used to develop equations to predict edible portion of steer carcasses from rib separation data. Carcass weight accounted for more variation in edible portion than any other trait (R2=0.80). Estimated separable carcass muscle derived from taking the estimated percent separable carcass muscle from the formula of Hankins and Howe (1946) times carcass weight accounted for 75% of the variation in edible portion. No advantage was found in using the formulas of Hankins and Howe (1946) to convert the percent separable fat, muscle or bone in the 9–10–11 rib cut to a carcass basis to predict edible portion if they were used in combination with carcass weight. An equation containing carcass weight, percent separable fat in the 9–10–11rib cut and rib-eye area accounted for 89% of the variation in edible portion. Equations containing carcass weight and percent separable fat in the 9–10–11 rib cut or carcass weight and percent separable muscle in the 9–10–11 rib cut were only slightly lower in accuracy of predicting edible portion (R2=0.88 and 0.87, respectively). Any one of these three equations would appear useful in converting rib separation data to edible portion.
Databáze: Supplemental Index