Design of Wheelchairs Robot Based on ATmega128 to People with Physical Disability

Autor: Muharom, Syahri, Odinanto, Tjahja, Fahmiah, Syadidatul, Putri, Diana, Siwi, Permata
Zdroj: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering; January 2019, Vol. 462 Issue: 1 p012016-012016, 1p
Abstrakt: Physical disability is individual to a person having disorder movement, due to its abnormality muscular, bone structure, sick or accident. Wheelchairs are a tool to help people with physical disability. From it, the researcher proposed the creation of a wheelchair robot that was able to be used to assist in daily activities. This robot uses the Atmega128 as the primary system and the motor driver. To movement wheelchairs robot used button command, it gives commands to the Atmega128, and then the motor will drive the wheelchair movement. In the first test is motor rotation setting without load, from the data, obtained the most significant wheel rotation difference from the command is 3rpm, this different rotation because wheel slip at wheelchair and the next test with load people weight 72kg, the difference wheel rotation is 88 rpm, it because the load people at wheelchairs robot. The last test is the command button on wheelchair movement, from the tests performed get a success rate of 87.5%, this is because there was an error when testing the command to move right. From this research expected the wheelchair robot can help people with physical disabilities carrying out at daily activities a wider area.
Databáze: Supplemental Index