Contrasting effects of the SATB1 core nuclear matrix attachment region and flanking sequences of the keratin 18 gene in transgenic mice.

Autor: Neznanov, N, Kohwi-Shigematsu, T, Oshima, R G
Zdroj: Molecular Biology of the Cell; April 1996, Vol. 7 Issue: 4 p541-552, 12p
Abstrakt: The 2.3 kb and 3.5 kb of DNA that flank the human keratin 18 (K18) gene and synthetic nuclear matrix attachment regions (MAR) composed of the binding sites for the SATB1 nuclear protein were fused to a reporter gene that utilizes the mouse metallothionein promoter and the human growth hormone gene (MThGH). Transgenic mice were generated from both constructions and the control MThGH gene to test K18 and SATB1 MAR sequences for the ability to insulate the reporter gene from integration site-specific position effects. The MThGH control gene was variably expressed in brain, heart, intestine, kidney, liver, and testes, confirming previous studies. In contrast, the MThGH gene insulated by the K18 flanking sequences was expressed in the same tissues of four independent transgenic animals at levels correlated with the copy number except for intestine. The average level of expression on a per gene basis of the K18 insulated gene was from 9- to 49-fold higher than the control. The MThGH gene linked to the SATB1 MAR sequences was completely repressed in the brains and kidneys of all six transgenic mice. However, expression was nearly as efficient in testes as the K18-insulated gene. Both the SATB1 MAR and the K18 flanking sequences confer position-independent transcriptional status on the reporter gene in some or many tissues. However, the effects are stimulatory for the K18 elements and generally suppressive for the SATB1 MAR elements.
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