Examining the effect of fatigue on shooting accuracy in young basketball players

Autor: Mulazimoglu, Olcay, Yanar, Senol, Tunca Evcil, Ahmet, Duvan, Ahmet
Zdroj: The Anthropologist: International Journal of Contemporary and Applied Studies of Man; March 2017, Vol. 27 Issue: 1-3 p77-80, 4p
Abstrakt: ABSTRACTThis research was carried out to examine the effects of fatigue, which result from high-intensity exercises on shooting accuracy in young basketball players. Thirteen male basketball players (15.08±0.64 years) voluntarily participated in the present research (AAHPERD) wherein a basketball shooting test was conducted in order to measure shooting skills of basketball players. The Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test-Level 1 (YYIRT-1) was used in order to create fatigue among basketball players. Heart beat rate of the players were recorded with heart beat monitor. There was a significant difference between pre-test (STSpre=12.62±3.02) and post-test (STSpost=10.54±2.96) values of shooting test scores (STS) (p<0.01). Heart rate before the shooting test before physical exertion was found as HRpre=122.31±17.57 bmp, and heart rate average at fatigue level after running test was HRpost =173.77±17.09 bmp. Average HR showed that players conducted shooting test at 87.39± 6.16 percent of the HRmax. Consequently, shooting accuracy skills of young basketball players deteriorate when they are exposed to fatigue level physical exertion.
Databáze: Supplemental Index