Comparison Between 2 Surgical Techniques for the Treatment of Early‐Onset Periodontitis

Autor: Sirirat, Mullika, Kasetsuwan, Julalux, Jeffcoat, Marjorie K.
Zdroj: Journal of Periodontology; June 1996, Vol. 67 Issue: 6 p603-607, 5p
Abstrakt: The objective of this studywas to compare guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and osseous surgery (OS) in treatment of early‐onset periodontitis. Six patients participated in this research, presenting 15 paired defects randomly assigned to 1 of the surgical groups. Pre‐operative clinical parameters (probing depth and attachment loss) between the two groups were not significantly different. Results 1 year following surgery showed probing depth reduction (2.60±1.30 mm) and clinical attachment gain (2.20±1.42 mm) were significantly greater in the GTR group than in the osseous surgery group (P< 0.05). The gingival recession was –0.53±0.52 mm and –0.40±0.74 mm for the osseous and the guided tissue regeneration group, respectively (no significant difference, P> 0.05). Radiographic analysis by two techniques illustrated that the interproximal alveolar bone changes at the margin of the defects in the OS group were slightly decreased (–0.20±1.15; 0.26±0.74 mm) and those in the GTR group were slightly increased (0.16±0.96; 0.26±0.68 mm), but showed no significant difference (P> 0.05). The base of the GTR‐treated defects showed significant increase in bone fill (1.67±0.68; 1.97±0.74 mm; P< 0.05). At a follow‐up reexamination 1 year following surgery, oral hygiene and gingival conditions in both groups were at satisfactory levels and gingiva was clinically healthy throughout the entire study period, except the first 4 to 6 weeks following surgery. J Periodontol 1996;67:603–607.
Databáze: Supplemental Index