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The Educational Research Department of the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) has been developing student-use educational materials for more than 20 years. During the last 7 years APH has made a major effort to develop materials for the visually impaired child who has additional handicaps. The research and development process involves a great deal of input from potential consumers–administrators, teachers, and students. Initially, teachers assist in identifying areas of materials needs for which commercial products are not available. After a need is identified, specifications are developed for both tangible child-use items and accompanying resource materials for the teacher. Prototypic materials are then developed and tested in the field. Evaluative child-and-teacher-generated data are compiled. Revisions are made and a more comprehensive field evaluation is conducted with the improved materials, again utilizing teacher and student data. The compilation of this data often results in additional revisions. Dependent upon this evaluation, more field trials may or may not be warranted. |