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This study addresses two questions: is reinnervation of mammalian skeletal muscle selective with respect to motor-unit type? And to what degree may muscle-unit contractile properties be determined by the motoneuron? Properties of individual motor units were examined following cross-reinnervation (X-reinnervation) of lateral gastrocnemius (LG) and soleus muscles by the medial gastrocnemius (MG) nerve in the cat. We examined animals at two postoperative times: 9-10 wk (medX) and 9-11 mo (longX). For comparison, properties of normal LG and soleus motor units were studied. Motor units were classified on the basis of their contractile response as fast contracting fatigable, fast intermediate, fast contracting fatigue resistant, or slow (types FF, FI, FR, or S, respectively) (13,29). Muscle fibers were classified on the basis of histochemical properties as fast glycolytic, fast oxidative glycolytic, or slow oxidative (types FG, FOG, or SO, respectively) (61). Reinnervation of LG and soleus was not selective with respect to motor-unit type. Both muscles were innervated by a full complement of MG motoneuron types, apparently in normal MG proportions. MG motoneurons determined LG muscle fibers' properties to a similar degree as reinnervated MG muscle fibers. In contrast, soleus muscle fibers "resisted" the influence of MG motoneurons. Thus, although longX-reinnervated LG muscle (longX LG) had a motor-unit type distribution similar to normal or self-reinnervated MG, longX soleus contained predominantly type S motor units. Overall mean values for muscle-unit contractile properties reflected this motor-unit type distribution. Muscle units in longX LG and longX soleus had contractile properties typical of the same motor-unit type in normal LG or soleus, respectively. Motor-unit types were recognizable at 10 wk X-reinnervation, although muscle-unit tensions were lower than after 10 mo. The proportions of fast and slow motor units in medX LG were similar to longX LG, although a greater proportion of fast units were resistant to fatigue at 10 wk. There were fewer fast units in medX soleus than longX soleus, which suggested that motor-unit type conversion or innervation of muscle fibers by fast motoneurons is not complete at 10 wk. We conclude that reinnervation of the LG and soleus muscles by MG motoneurons was not selective with respect to motor-unit type. MG motoneurons determined LG muscle properties to a similar degree as self-reinnervated MG muscle fibers. Soleus muscle fibers resisted the influence of MG motoneurons, representing a limit to neural determination of muscle properties. |