Abstrakt: |
Encephalartos graniticolusVorster et al.is described. It resembles E. eugene-maraisiiVerdoorn, E. lehmannii Lehm.,and E. princepsR.A. Dyer on account of its stiff, pungent, glaucous fronds; but differs from all three by its almost sessile fronds of which the proximal leaflets are progressively reduced to dentate prickles towards the base. E. graniticolusalso resembles both E. eugene-maraisiiand E. cupidusR.A. Dyer by the isobilateral, amphistomal construction of the leaflets. From E. eugene-maraisiiit differs by its bluish-green instead of russet-brown cones, the female cones being cylindrical and four to five in number instead of ovoid and two in number, and by the male cones not having the surfaces of the cone scales drawn out to form a lip and numbering five to eight instead of two. From E. cupidusit differs in being arborescent and altogether larger, and by the median leaflets of the adult plants being unarmed. |