Abstrakt: |
The clinical histories, follow-up records, and pathologic characteristics of seven cases of rare uterine tumors arising from the endometrial stroma are presented. They are similar to cases that previously have been described as adenomyoma without glands, endolymphatic fibromyosis, and stromal endometriosis. They exhibit pathologic characteristies, which in the past frequently have led to a diagnosis of endometrial sarcoma. They seem to be of low-grade clinical malignaney. Due, however, to the late recurrenees which have been reported, long follow-up records are necessary before the degree of clinical malignancy of these tumors can be assessed. They occur during the years of sexual maturity and present signs and symptoms similar to those of uterine fibromyomas. Their relationship to endometriosis and adenomyosis is uncertain. Their pathologic and clinical characteristies are sufficiently distinctive, however, to warrant their separate classification. “Endolymphatic stromal myosis” is suggested as a name for these neoplasms. |