NA,K-Atpase in the Cochlear Lateral Wall of Human Temporal Bones with Endolymphatic Hydrops

Autor: Keithley, Elizabeth, Horowitz, Steve, Ruckenstein, Michael
Zdroj: Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology; November 1995, Vol. 104 Issue: 11 p858-863, 6p
Abstrakt: Meniere's disease has traditionally been thought to arise from a disruption in longitudinal endolymphatic flow. This view has been brought into question by recent experimental studies that have focused attention on derangements of cochlear fluid and electrolyte homeostatic mechanisms in Meniere's disease, including abnormalities in Na,K-ATPase enzymes found in the cochlear lateral wall. The current study examined the immunohistochemical labeling pattern of the major ion-transporting enzyme of the stria vascularis, Na,K-ATPase, in archival sections of hydropic and nonhydropic human temporal bones for increased density of label that could indicate overproduction of fluid. The results showed good labeling of the stria vascularis in the celloidin sections. The hydropic ears tended to have darker label, but the difference was not statistically significant. The findings are consistent with normal functioning of the stria vascularis in cases of Meniere's disease.
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