Abstrakt: |
1. The morphological and electrophysiological characteristics of sagittal cerebellar slices of adult rat cerebellum maintained in vitro were studied. 2. The ultrastructural preservation of the different neuronal cell types in many areas of these slices after 2‐3 h incubation was very similar to that observed in material fixed in situ. A limited degree of glial swelling was observed in some regions. 3. The conduction velocity of parallel fibres was within the normal in vivo range and the fibres retained their ability to activate Purkinje cells and inhibitory interneurones. 4. Purkinje cells, recorded intrasomatically, responded to white matter stimulation with characteristic antidromic activation and climbing fibre responses, and typical parallel fibre responses were evoked following parallel fibre stimulation. 5. Climbing fibre excitatory post‐synaptic potentials (e.p.s.p.s) were very similar whether recorded in the dendrites or somata of Purkinje cells. By contrast, marked differences in the associated spike potentials were evident, the initial fast, low‐threshold somatic spike appearing in the dendrites as a slow, high‐threshold spike. The secondary spikes, both in the soma and dendrites, were of the latter type. 6. The initial somatic spike was readily inactivated by cell depolarization but resisted moderate hyperpolarization, whereas the converse was true for the slow, high‐threshold spikes recorded in the dendrites. These differences suggest that these responses are generated in the soma and in the dendrites respectively. 7. Climbing fibre and parallel fibre e.p.s.p.s recorded in Purkinje cell somata were reversed under depolarizing current injected through the recording micro‐electrode. As in vivo, the parallel fibre e.p.s.p.s was more sensitive to injected current than the climbing fibre e.p.s.p. in several instances, despite the more proximal location of the synapses involved. |