Spatial and temporal variations of the chromosomal inversion polymorphism of Anopheles funestusin senegal

Autor: Dia, I., Lochouarn, L., Boccolini, D., Costantini, C., Fontenille, D., Dia, I., Lochouarn, L., Boccolini, D., Costantini, C., Fontenille, D.
Zdroj: Parasite - Journal de la Société Française de Parasitologie; September 2000, Vol. 7 Issue: 3 p179-184, 6p
Abstrakt: The polymorphism of paracentric inversions of An. funestuspolytene chromosomes was studied along a transect in Senegal in order to assess their variations at the spatial and temporal level. There was an increase in the degree of chromosomal polymorphism from the West to South-East. At the geographical level the variations in inversion frequencies were highly significant whatever the chromosomal arm considered. However, the variations in the chromosomal inversion frequencies did not change significantly over either seasons or years, except for inversion 3b in the village of Dielmo. Such geographical variability within a relatively limited area, associated to temporal stability, suggest a restricted gene flow between the populations studied, probably due to discontinuities in the An. funestusdistribution and to its bioecology.
Databáze: Supplemental Index