Design of Al2O3/CoAlO/CoAl Porous Ceramometal for Multiple Applications as Catalytic Supports

Autor: Andreev, Andrey S., Tikhov, Serguey F., Salanov, Aleksey N., Cherepanova, Svetlana V., Lapina, Olga B., Bolotov, Vasiliy A., Tanashev, Yuriy Yu., d’Espinose de Lacaillerie, Jean Baptiste, Sadykov, Vladislav A.
Zdroj: Advanced Materials Research; May 2013, Vol. 702 Issue: 1 p79-87, 9p
Abstrakt: Porous ceramometal Al2O3/CoAlO/CoAl was studied by set of physicochemical techniques such as XRD, SEM, internal field 59Co and 27Al MAS NMR, and porosity measurements. They revealed the cermet containing three parts. First, cobalt-free large porous alumina particles which surrounded by the second oxide part representing spinel CoxAl3-xO4 (x=1,2,3) oxides. And third, oxygen-free metallic part consists of cobalt metal particles covered by Co-Al oxide protecting the metallic part from oxidation. Porosity measurements ascertained high porosity (60%) and good SSA (122 m2/g). Also the enhanced adsorption of microwaves due to metallic particles randomly distributed in oxides was found.
Databáze: Supplemental Index