Abstrakt: |
To the Editor:—Your editorial in the issue of June 1 on "Sodium Versus Potassium" is both illuminating and suggestive, and illustrates the point that our boche friends have been working the American public in a manner that is shameful in this matter of the potassium salts. As you say, we are creatures of habit, and their clever propagandists have taken advantage of this to persuade us that the K salts are superior to those of the Na group, whereas, quite the contrary, the latter group is every bit as effective and less depressing. In order to obviate this fallacy I would suggest that you keep standing on your editorial page some such brief text as the following:American doctors shouldHELP WIN THE WARby prescribing sodium salts for the States and let the Prussians prescribe potassium salts for Potsdam! Sodium is produced in America, is less depressing than |