Abstrakt: |
Ladies and Gentlemen: My heart swells with pride when I look over this vast assembly of the representatives of a profession, distinguished alike for its antiquity, its scientific attainments, and its usefulness; a profession which forms the true link between science and philanthropy.You, gentlemen, as members of this Association, have been delegated by your local Associa tions, from every part of this Grand Republic, from the Kennebec to the Rio Grande, from orange groves and golden sands, from mountains clad in eternal snows, and valleys smiling in perpetual verdure, to represent them on this occasion.You are here with no selfish motives, nor purposes of self-aggrandizement, nor to excite or perpetuate sectional antipathies.Indeed, as physicians you should recognize no section; with you there should be no East, no West, no North, no South. You are here solely for the promotion of science and for the good of the |