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TO THE EDITOR OF THE JOURNAL: DEAR SIR: —Your editorial remarks in The Journal of February 13, 1886, in regard to the treatment of carbuncle by the injection of carbolic acid, full strength, as suggested by C. H. Wilkinson, M.D., in Daniel's Medical Journal for November, 1885, p. 15, are timely, and the benefit of the treatment is confirmed by the success I have attained in the several cases in which I have used it. A few facts in regard to my methods, additional to the carbolic acid treatment, may not be out of place. I invariably test the urine for sugar when first undertaking the treatment of a patient for carbuncle. If sugar be present, I put the patient on strict diabetic diet, and prescribe bromide of arsenic, three drops, twice a day, and inject the sinuses of the carbuncle with carbolic acid, full strength. If I do not find |