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J. Brown Farrior, MD, Tampa, Fla, Moderator: In this panel, we will first ask Dr. Buckingham to describe and define the atelectatic ear. We will move on to the role of the eustachian tube in the atelectatic ear. We will then go to the indications for myringoplasty in the atelectatic ear, and then to cholesteatoma, assuming that is the end result, and we will describe the rebuilding of these ears. First, I will ask Dr. Buckingham to show his slides on the atelectatic ear.Richard A. Buckingham, MD, Park Ridge, Ill: Atelectasis, according to the dictionary, is incomplete expansion or collapse, and so what I want to show this morning at first in a group of collapsed ears, starting with a little bit of collapse and going on to more.The first case is a right ear. In addition to the fluid that is in that middle ear, there is |