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Megarectum, unassociated with dilatation of the proximal bowel, is a rare anomaly. Two such cases,1,6 each in children with imperforate anus, are recorded.Prolapse of a megarectum in an adult with a normally functioning anus and no other bowel anomaly is, we believe, a unique occurrence. REPORT OF A CASE A 56-year-old Negro man, while straining during passage of a loose stool, suddenly had prolapse of an enormous rectal mass. This had never previously happened, and he had experienced no bowel dysfunction other than unexplained diarrhea during the past three years, when occasionally four or five loose stools were passed daily, without rectal bleeding, pain, or tenesmus.Examination revealed massive prolapse with complete eversion of a large, thick-walled rectum (Figs. 1 and 3). The anal sphincter was, fortunately, completely relaxed, so that there was no embarrassment of the blood supply. The rectosigmoid junction appeared at the most dependent portion, |