The Complete Border Sign Of Breast Augmentation

Autor: Ellis, Richard, Short, John G., Mueller, Charles E.
Zdroj: JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association; April 1971, Vol. 216 Issue: 3 p522-522, 1p
Abstrakt: To the Editor.—Breast augmentation with silicone implants may be diagnosed on posterior-anterior (PA) roentgenograms of the chest by observing that the breast shadow is sharply defined in its entire circumference—the complete border sign.On a PA roentgenogram of the chest, the normal female breast is an excellent example of the incomplete border sign.1 The inferior margin of the breast is sharply defined while the superior portion blends imperceptibly with the chest wall and lacks a definitive border (Fig 1).Silicone implants have a slightly greater density than normal breast tissue. Women who have a silicone breast augmentation usually have enough added density in the superior portion of the breast to form a distinct superior margin on PA roentgenograms of the chest. When this occurs, the breast shadow is seen with a complete border both inferiorly and superiorly—the complete border sign (Fig 2).
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