Abstrakt: |
AbstractA sample preparation method has been developed in which a powder may be aerosolized and collected onto filter media in the form of a uniform layer of participate matter similar to the EPA Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) aerodynamic diameter. Samples of dusts and powders as small as 100 mg may be prepared for metals analysis by XRF with this method. The method is also applicable to the preparation of samples such as ores, soils, sediments, etc., which may be ground to pass through a #400 Tyler equivalent sieve (37 um geometric diameter) prior to aerosolization. Samples prepared in this manner present a representative aliquot with minimal matrix interferences to the XRF instrument for elements with atomic number as low as 13 (aluminum). This method is equivalent to EPA's Method 3050A digestion and subsequent analysis by either ICP or GFAA for many analytes, while other species (notably Cr) are not as favorable in comparison. |