Birefringence and deformation measurements in porcine corneas using Fourier domain OCT

Autor: Briones, M. J., De La Torre, M. H., Mendoza, F., Pedroza, J.
Zdroj: Proceedings of SPIE; August 2011, Vol. 8011 Issue: 1 p80118Z-80118Z-6, 721069p
Abstrakt: A polarization sensitive Fourier domain optical coherence tomography system to measure the birefringence response and the internal deformation of porcine corneas is presented. The optical system uses polarized light to recover simultaneously the s and the p polarization states. A CMOS camera records a fringe pattern which reconstructs the thickness of the porcine cornea. Combining both p and s states a polarization retardation map is observed inside the tissue. The corneas are deformed due a hydro static test which simulates different intra ocular pressure variations. Results show simultaneously the thickness of the cornea, its birefringence response and its mechanical micro deformation.
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