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MARGARET C. MILLER. Athens and Persia in the Fifth Century BC: A Study in Cultural Receptivity. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp. xiv, 331.$100.00 (us). Reviewed by Paul CartledgeJ. E. LENDON. Empire of Honour: The Art of Government in the Roman World. New York: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1997. Pp. xii, 320. $108.00(CDN). Reviewed by T.D. BarnesYOUSSEF COURBAGE and PHILIPPE FARGUES. Christians and Jews under Islam, trans. Judy Mabro. London: I. B. Tauris, 1997; dist. New York: St Martin's Press.Pp. xiii, 242. $59.50 (us). Reviewed by Bruce MastersJANET L. NELSON. The Frankish World, 750-900. London: Hambledon Press,1996. Pp. xxxi, 256. $60.00 (us). Reviewed by David F. ApplebyMATTHEW STRICKLAND. War and Chivalry: The Conduct and Perception of War inEngland and Normandy, 1066-1217. New York: Cambridge University Press,1996. Pp. xxii, 387. $69.95 (us). Reviewed by D.A. CarpenterANDRE WINK. Al-Hind: The Making of the Indo-Islamic World: Volume II: The Slave Kings and the Islamic Conquest, 11th-13th Centuries. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1997. Pp. xii, 427. $137-50 (us). Reviewed by Richard M. EatonULRIKE KESSLER. Richard I Löwenherz: König, Kreuzritter, Abenteurer. Graz: VerlagStyria, 1995. Pp. 367. DM 58. Reviewed by John GillinghamWILLIAM CHESTER JORDAN. The Great Famine: Northern Europe in the EarlyFourteenth Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996. Pp. ix, 317.$16.95 (us), paper. Reviewed by John LangdonDAURIL ALDEN. The Making of an Enterprise: The Society of Jesus in Portugal, ItsEmpire, and Beyond, 1540-1750. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996. Pp.xxxi, 707. $75.00 (us). Reviewed by Murdo J. MacLeodHENRY KAMEN. Philip of Spain. New Haven and London: Yale University Press,1997. Pp. xvi, 384. $35.00 (us). Reviewed by Charles J. JagoLESLEY B. CORMACK. Charting an Empire: Geography at the English Universities,1580-1620. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1997. Pp. xvi, 281.$23-95 (us), paper. Reviewed by D.R. WoolfJOHN A. LYNN. Giant of the Grand Siecle: The French Army, 1610-1715. New York:Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp. xx, 651. $64.95 (us)- Reviewed by Richard BooneyB. F. PORSHNEV. Muscovy and Sweden in the Thirty Years War, 1630-1635, trans.Brian Pearce; ed. Paul Dukes. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp.xxi, 256. $54-95 (us). Reviewed by Geoffrey ParkerMARGARET DEACON. Scientists and the Sea, 1650-1900 : A Study of Marine Science, 2nd ed. Aldershot and Brookfield: Ashgate Publishing, 1997. Pp. xl, 459. $85.95(us). Reviewed by N.A.M. RodgerFRANCOIS CROUZET. Britain, France, and International Commerce: From Louis XIV to Victoria. Aldershot: Variorum, 1996; dist. Brookfield: Ashgate Publishing.Pp. xii, 312. $94-95 (us); Reviewed by David HancockH. V. BOWEN. Elites, Enterprise, and the Making of the British Overseas Empire, 1688-1775. London: Macmillan, 1996; dist. New York: St Martin's Press. Pp. xiii,257-$59-95 (us). Reviewed by David HancockLAURENCE HUEY BOLES, JR. The Huguenots, the Protestant Interest, and the War ofthe Spanish Succession, 1702-1714. New York: Peter Lang, 1997. Pp. x, 287. $46.95(us). Reviewed by John C. RuleANTHONY CROSS. By the Banks of the Neva: Chapters from the Lives and Careers of the British in Eighteenth-Century Russia. New York: Cambridge University Press,1997. Pp. xv, 474. $80.00 (us). Reviewed by Janey HartleyS. ARASARATNAM. Maritime Commerce and English Power: Southeast India, 1750-1800. Aldershot: Variorum, 1996; dist. Brookfield, Ashgate Publishing. Pp. vii,326. $72.95 (us). Reviewed by Anthony DisneyLAURENCE BROCKLISS and DAVID EASTWOOD, eds. A Union of Multiple Identities:The British Isles, c. 1750-c. 1850. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1997;dist. New York: St Martin's Press. Pp. xviii, 222. $69.95 (us)- Reviewed by Keith RobinWALTER A. MCDOUGALL. Promised Land, Crusader State: The American Encounterwith the World since 1776. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1997. Pp. xiii, 286.$26.00 (us). Reviewed by Frank NinkovichJOSEPH R. FISCHER. A Well-Executed Failure: The Sullivan Campaign against the Iroquois, July-September 1779. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press,1997. Pp. x, 265. $29.95 (us). Reviewed by Robert S. GrumetJAN KŘEN. Die Konfliktgemeinschaft: Tschechen und Deutsche, 1780-1918. Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1996. Pp. 404. DM 68; Reviewed by Karl F. BahmRUDOLF JAWORSKI and ROBERT LUFT, eds. 1948/49 Revolutionen in Ostmittel-europa. Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1996. Pp. 455. DM 98. Reviewed by Karl F. BahmC. A. BAYLY. Empire and Information: Intelligence Gathering and Social Communicationin India, 1780-1870. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp.xiv, 412. $64.95 (us). Reviewed by Michael H. FisherJENNIFER MORI. William Pitt and the French Revolution, 1785-1795. New York: StMartin's Press, 1997. Pp. xi, 305. $55.00 (us). Reviewed by J.E. CooksonJOSEPH K. ADJAYE. Diplomacy and Diplomats in 19th Century Asante. Trentonand Asmara: Africa World Press, 1996. Pp. xiv, 265. $18.95 (us) paper. Reviewed by Ivor WilesABBAS AMANAT. Pivot of the Universe: Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar and the IranianMonarchy, 1831-1896. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997. Pp. xix,536.$45.00 (us). Reviewed by Gavin R. G. HamblyJÖRG BRECHTEFELD. Mitteleuropa and German Politics: 1848 to the Present. London:Macmillan, 1996; dist. New York: St Martin's Press. Pp. vii, 195. $49.95 (us); Reviewed by Christian LeitzROBERT MARK SPAULDING. Osthandel and Ostpolitik: German Foreign Trade Policiesin Eastern Europe from Bismarck to Adenauer. Providence: Berghahn Books,1997. Pp. xii, 546. $79.00 (us). Reviewed by Christian LeitzJOHN R. DAVIS. Britain and the German Zollverein, 1848-66. New York: St Martin'sPress, 1997. Pp. x, 238. $69.95 (us). Reviewed by John ClarkeAPOLLOS O. NWAUWA. Imperialism, Academe, and Nationalism: Britain and University Education for Africans, 1860-1960. London: Frank Cass, 1997; dist. Portland,Oreg.: ISBS. Pp. xix, 245. $49.50 (us). Reviewed by A. H. M. Kirk-GreeneG. D. SHEFFIELD, ed. Leadership and Command: The Anglo-American Military Experiencesince 1861. London: Brassey's, 1997. Pp. xiii, 242. £25.00. Reviewed by John P. CampbellJAKOB VOGEL. Nationen im Gleichschritt: Der Kult der ←Nation in Waffen→ in Deutschland und Frankreich, 1871-1914. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,1997. Pp. 404. DM 78. Reviewed by Thomas RohkrämerDIETER BRÖTEL. Frankreich im Fernen Osten: Imperialistische Expansion undAspiration in Siam und Malaya, Laos, und China, 1880-1904. Stuttgart: FranzSteiner Verlag, 1996. Pp. xviii, 890. DM 198. Reviewed by Robert LeeH. L. WESSELING. Imperialism and Colonialism: Essays on the History of European Expansion. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997. Pp. x, 212. $59-95 (us). Reviewed by William B. CohenROBERT COLE Propaganda in Twentieth Century War and Politics: An Annotated Bibliography. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 1996. Pp. xi, 402. $48.50 (us). Reviewed by Tony ShawIAN CLARK. Globalization and Fragmentation: International Relations in the Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. Pp. x, 220. $108.00(CDN). Reviewed by Richard CrockattMARTIN EVANS and KEN LUNN, eds. War and Memory in the Twentieth Century. Oxford and New York: Berg, 1997. Pp. xxiii, 272. $19.50 (us), paper. Reviewed by David ThomsRAJEN HARSHE. Twentieth Century Imperialism: Shifting Contours and Changing Conceptions. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997. Pp. 276. $29.95 (us)- Reviewed by Robert KubicekGOTTFRIED NIEDHART, DETLEF JUNKER, and MICHAEL W. RICHTER, eds. Deutschland in Europa: Nationale Interessen und Internationale Ordnung im 20. Jahrhundert. Mannheim: Palatium Verlag, 1997. Pp. xi, 402. DM 98. Reviewed by Ronald J. GranieriMICHAEL HUGHES. Inside the Enigma: British Officials in Russia, 1900-1939. London and Rio Grande: Hambledon Press, 1997. Pp. xi, 336. $55.00 (us). Reviewed by Dominic LeivenBRIAN MCALLISTER LINN. Guardians of Empire: The US Army and the Pacific, 1902-1940. Chapel Hill and London: University of North Carolina Press, 1997;dist. Toronto: Scholarly Book Services. Pp. xvi, 343. $61.95 (CDN). Reviewed by J. Garry CliffordLIAN Xi. The Conversion of Missionaries: Liberalism in American Protestant Missionsin China, 1907-1932. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press,1997. Pp. xiv, 247. $38.50 (us). Reviewed by Daniel Y. K. KwanHASAN KAYALI. Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and lslamism inthe Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.Pp. xv, 291. $18.00 (us), paper. Reviewed by William L. ClevelandBOB REINALDA, ed. The International Transportworkers Federation, 1914-1948:The Edo Fimmen Era. Amsterdam: Stichting Beheer Internationaal Instituut voorSociale Geschiedenis, 1997. Pp. 301. NLG 62.50. Reviewed by Franklin BroezeJAMES S. CORUM. The Luftwaffe: Creating the Operational Air War, 1918-1940. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1997. Pp. ix, 378. $39.95 (us). Reviewed by John H. Morrow, Jr.EPHRAIM MAISEL. The Foreign Office and Foreign Policy, 1919-1926. Brighton:Sussex Academic Press, 1994. Pp. xi, 323. $54.95 (us); Reviewed by Briton C. BuschBÜLENT GÖKAY. A Clash of Empires: Turkey between Russian Bolshevism and British Imperialism, 1918-1923. London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 1997; dist. NewYork: St Martin's Press. Pp. x, 268. $59.50 (us). Reviewed by Briton C. BuschBRIAN G. MARTIN. The Shanghai Green Gang: Politics and Organized Crime, 1919-1937. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996. Pp. x, 314. $40.00 (us). Reviewed by Poshek FuJ. F. V. KEIGER. Raymond Poincaré. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp. x, 413. $64.95 (us). Reviewed by Martin ThomasM. L. R. SMITH. Fighting for Ireland? The Military Strategy of the Irish Republican Movement. London and New York: Routledge, 1997. Pp. xxvii, 265. $18.95(us), paper. Reviewed by Alan O'DayPHILIPP GASSERT. Amerika im Dritten Reich: Ideologie, Propaganda und Volksmeinung 1933-1945. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1997. Pp. 415. DM 84. Reviewed by Norman J. W. GodaIAN COWMAN. Dominion or Decline: Anglo-American Naval Relations in the Pacific, 1937-1941. Oxford and Washington: Berg, 1996; dist. New York: New YorkUniversity Press. Pp. x, 327. $19.50 (us), paper. Reviewed by Antony BestSTEVE WEISS. Allies in Conflict: Anglo-American Strategic Negotiations, 1938-1944. London: Macmillan, 1996; dist. New York: St Martin's Press. Pp. x, 213. $42.50(us). Reviewed by David ReynoldsNICHOLAS DOUMANIS. Myth and Memory in the Mediterranean: RememberingFascism's Empire. London: Macmillan, 1997; dist. New York: St Martin's Press.Pp. viii, 243. $65.00 (us). Reviewed by R. J. B. BosworthROLF-DIETER MULLER and GERD R. UEBERSCHAR. Hitler's War in the East, 1941-1945: A Critical Assessment, trans. Bruce D. Litde. Providence: Berghahn Books,1997. Pp. x, 405. $59.95 (us). Reviewed by Lawrence D. StokesMAOCHUN YU. OSS in China: Prelude to Cold War. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1996. Pp. xxii, 340. $35.00 (us). Reviewed by Christof MauchFRANCES M. B. LYNCH. France and the International Economy: From Vichy to the Treaty of Rome. London and New York: Roudedge, 1997. Pp. xv, 227. £45.00. Reviewed by Martin HornROBERT J. YOUNG. France and the Origins of the Second World War. London : Macmillan, 1996; dist. New York: St Martin's Press. Pp. 191. $18.95 (us)? paper; Reviewed by Anthony AdamthwaiteEUGENIA C. KIESLING. Arming against Hitler: France and the Limits of Military Planning. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1996. Pp. xiv, 260. $35.00 (us). Reviewed by Anthony AdamthwaiteJ. SAMUEL WALKER. Prompt and Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs against Japan. Chapel Hill and London: University of North CarolinaPress, 1997. Pp. xiii, 142. $34-95 (us), cloth; $14.95 (us), paper. Reviewed by Michael S. SherryTOWNSEND HOOPES and DOUGLAS BRINKLEY. FDR and the Creation of the UN. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997. Pp. xii, 287. $30.00 (us). Reviewed by Irwin F. GellmanMARTIN KERKHOFF. Groβbritannien, die Vereinigten Staaten und die Saarfrage 1945 bis 1954. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1996. Pp. 251. DM 88. Reviewed by Klaus LarresLAWRENCE ROBERT ARONSEN. American National Security and Economic Relationswith Canada, 1945-1954. Westport: Praeger, 1997. Pp. xxii, 212. $65.00 (us). Reviewed by Robert CuffMARY N. HAMPTON. The Wilsonian Impulse: US Foreign Policy, the Alliance, and German Unification. Westport: Praeger, 1996. Pp. x, 180. $55.00 (us). Reviewed by Robert David JohnsonALESSANDRO BROGI. L'ltalia e I'egemonia americana nel Mediterraneo: 1945-1958. Florence: La Nuova Italia Editrice, 1996. Pp. xxviii, 425. Lire 40.000. Reviewed by Giovanni SciroccoWOLFRAM KAISER. Using Europe, Abusing the Europeans: Britain and EuropeanIntegration, 1945-1963. London: Macmillan, 1996; dist. New York: St Martin's Press. Pp. xviii, 274. $40.00 (us). Reviewed by Alan S. MilwardEFRAIM KARSH. Fabricating Israeli History: The ‘New Historians’. London: FrankCass, 1997; dist. Pordand, Oreg.: ISBS. Pp. 210. $35.00 (us), cloth; $17.00 (us),paper. Reviewed by Itamar RabinovichMOSHE GAT. The Jewish Exodus from Iraq, 1948-1951. London: Frank Cass, 1997;dist. Pordand, Oreg.: ISBS. Pp. viii, 209. $49.95 (us), cloth; $19.95 (us)i paper. Reviewed by Majid KhadduriHAGGAI ESHED. Reuven Shiloah: The Man behind the Mossad: Secret Diplomacy inthe Creation of Israel, trans. David and Leah Zinder. London: Frank Cass, 1997;dist. Portland, Oreg.: ISBS. Pp. xxxv, 342. $39.50 (us). Reviewed by Efraim KarshJOSEPH MORRISON SKELLY. Irish Diplomacy at the United Nations, 145-1965: National Interests and the International Order. Dublin: Irish Academic Press,1997; dist. Pordand, Oreg.: ISBS. Pp. 314. $45.00 (us), cloth; $22.50 (us), paper. Reviewed by Michael KennedyGUSTAV SCHMIDT and CHARLES F. DORAN, eds. Amerikas Option für Deutschlandund Japan: Die Position und Rolle Deutschlands und Japans in regionalen undinternationalen Strukturen. Die 1950er und 1990er Jakre im Vergleich. Bochum: Universitätsverlag Dr N. Brockmeyer, 1996. Pp. xxix, 528. DM 128. Reviewed by Thomas U. BergerBRIAN TITLEY. Dark Age: The Political Odyssey of Emperor Bokassa. Montreal andKingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1997. Pp. xii, 257. $39.95 (CDN). Reviewed by Florence BernaultFRANCIS X. WINTERS. The Year of the Hare: America in Vietnam, January 25,1963-February 15, 1964. Adiens: University of Georgia Press, 1997. Pp. xii, 292.$29.95 (us). Reviewed by Kilj. Y YiWESLEY D. CHAPIN. Germany for the Germans? The Political Effects of International Migration. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997. Pp. xv, 171. $55.00 (us). Reviewed by Hans-Georg BetzCLAUS HOFHANSEL. Commercial Competition and National Security: ComparingUS and German Export Control Policies. Westport: Praeger, 1996. Pp. 232. $59.95(us). Reviewed by Beverly CrawfordBOB CATLEY and MAKMUR KELIAT. Spratlys: The Dispute in the South China Sea. Aldershot and Brookfield: Ashgate Publishing, 1997. Pp. x, 221. $63.95 (us)- Reviewed by Victor PrescottPAUL SHARP. Thatcher's Diplomacy: The Revival of British Foreign Policy. New York: St Martin's Press, 1997. Pp. xviii, 269. $65.00 (us). Reviewed by Larry L. WitherellJAMES E. CRONIN. The World the Cold War Made: Order, Chaos, and the Return of History. London and New York: Routledge, 1996. Pp. xii, 332. $59-95 (CDN),cloui; $18.95 (CDN)5 paper. Reviewed by Anders StephansonJOHN GERARD RUGGIE. Winning the Peace: America and World Order in the New Era. New York: Columbia University Press, 1996. Pp. xiv, 237. $27.95 (us); Reviewed by Geoffrey S. SmithRONALD STEEL. Temptations of a Superpower: America's Foreign Policy after the Cold War. Cambridge, Mass, and London: Harvard University Press, 1995. Pp.144. $18.95 (us), cloth; $10.95 (us), paper. Reviewed by Geoffrey S. SmithRICHARD PELLS. Not Like Us: How Europeans Have Loved, Hated, and Transformed American Culture since World War II. New York: Basic Books, 1997. Pp.xviii, 444. $30.00 (us). Reviewed by Helle PorsdamAMY KNIGHT. Spies without Cloaks: The KGB's Successors. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996. Pp. 318. $24.95 (us)- Reviewed by Mark KramerKENNETH W. THOMPSON. Schools of Thought in International Relations: Interpreters,Issues, and Morality. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1996.Pp. xvi, 166. $40.00 (us), cloth; $14.95 (us)> paper. Reviewed by David LongMIRIAM FENDIUS ELMAN, ed. Paths to Peace: Is Democracy the Answer?Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1997. Pp. xi, 528. $22.50 (us), paper. Reviewed by Bruce RussettROGER D. SPEGELE. Political Realism in International Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Pp. xix, 284. $59.95 (us). Reviewed by John J. MearsheimerJOHN A. ENGLISH. Marching through Chaos: The Descent of Armies in Theory and Practice. Westport: Praeger, 1996. Pp. x, 220. $59.95 (us). Reviewed by John F. SchmittJAMES HAWDON. Emerging Organizational Forms: The Proliferation of Regional Intergovernmental Organizations in the Modern World-System. Westport: GreenwoodPress, 1996. Pp. x, 161. $52.95 (us). Reviewed by Dimitris BourantonisADAM WATSON. The Limits of Independence: Relations between States in the Modern World. London and New York: Roudedge, 1997. Pp. xvi, 160. $20.99 (us),paper. Reviewed by Barry Buzan |